Thursday, 17 January 2013

Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites are becoming popular day by day in the young generation. The world of social networking sites is very vast, a person who enters in this world it is very difficult for him to get out. These websites are very useful for life. We can share our thoughts, pictures, videos and comments with each other on these websites. These websites have a lot of benefits. Most of the brands use social networking sites for the promotion of their brands. We can get a lot of knowledge; social networking websites are very easy and fast way to get news. We can get news by subscribing a news websites page and we get latest updates on our social networking website. The other benefit of these websites is this that we can link these websites with each other.

The negative points of these websites are also not less then their benefits. Once a person enters in the World of social networking it is almost impossible for him to get out. People who use these websites forget their original duties. They use these websites in the offices during their working hours. It affects their performance. Most of the companies have blocked these websites in their offices. But users have a lot of options they use these websites on their mobile phones.

Most of the people on the social networking sites are fake. They create fake accounts to impress the others. One person has a lot of accounts. And these fake people are giving a lot of income to the social networking websites. Some people accept the friend request with out knowing each other and conforming the character of request sender. Most of the people do this as their favorite hobby.

There are a lot of social networking websites working in the World. A social networking user tries to create an account on maximum websites. He has to give his profile information on every website. He gives his birthday, city, school, college, religion and relationship information. Some people give their original information and most of the people give their fake information.

The biggest social networking website is face book and if we consider face book as a  country then the numbers of its users can be a third biggest country of the World. These websites are earning Billion of Dollars daily.  

The biggest threat that social networking websites users have always in their minds is to about hake their accounts. The World of social networking websites is not clean from hackers. They hake the personal accounts of people and try black mail the user. This has become a trend to hake some one’s accounts. The hackers fell proud and happy to hack some one’s account.

Social networking websites offer the sign up free of cost. This is the biggest reason of their users are in Millions and giving these websites a very huge amount of profit.

Sher Muhammad 


  1. true facts and figure !!!!!!!!

    1. Thanx bro it is need of time to tell ppl about these facts

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good But try this one,
    Amazing social networking web in pakistan
