Monday, 20 May 2013

Deals……to Deal with Balochistan

Deals……to Deal with Balochistan 1. Bloach should be first owners of the resources of Balochistan. 2. Angry Baloch leaders and Militancy groups should be brought to main streamline of Pakistan. Government should talk with them and solve their problems. (Sri Lanka civil war 23 July 1983 – 18 May 2009 (25 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 4 days) PM or President of Pakistan. Main stream Baloch leadership let come to Pakistan. 3. Missing persons should be released. People who picked them should be punished and killing of innocent people should be stopped. 4. Foreign interference should be finished from Balochistan. 5. Development works like other provinces should be held in Balochistan. Health and other facilities are far away from the people of Balochistan, Government should give them these basic facilities of life. Amount of NFC award should be spent on Baloch people. According to Chief Justice of Pakistan every Provisional Assembly Member gets the grant of 250 million. This amount should be spent on the land of Balochistan. 6. Sports and other cultural festivals should be in Balochistan. Introduction Balochistan is the largest province by area of Pakistan, approximately 44% of the total area of Pakistan. According to the 1998 census, Balochistan had a population of approximately 6.8 million. The main languages in the province are Balochi, Brahui, Pashto, Sindhi and Urdu. The provincial capital is Quetta. Balochistan is rich in mineral resources; it is the second major supplier of natural gas in Pakistan. The population density of Balochistan is very low due to the mountainous terrain and scarcity of water. The southern region is known as Makran and the central region is known as Kalat. The Sulaiman Mountains cover the northeast corner. Much of the province south of the Quetta region is desert area with pockets of towns mostly near rivers and streams. The capital, Quetta, is located in the most densely populated area in the northeast of the province. Quetta contains Pakhtun people. Very cold winters and hot summers characterize the climate of the mountainous areas. Summers are hot and dry. The plain areas are also very hot in summers. Winters are mild on the plains with the temperature never falling below the freezing point. The desert climate is characterized by hot and very arid conditions. Occasionally strong windstorms make these areas very inhospitable. Average annual rainfall in Balochistan varies from 2 to 20 inches. It is highest in the northeastern areas and low in the south and the eastern parts. As of the 1998 census, Balochistan had a population of 6.8 million inhabitants, representing approximately 5% of the Pakistani population. In 2010, Balochistan’s population is estimated to be 9.77 million. Balochi, Brauhi and Pashtu are the three dominant languages in the region. Balochistan has experienced development; however, due to its sparse population, it has developed at a much slower rate than other parts of Pakistan. Half of the people do not have access to safe drinking water and health facilities are inadequate. Balochistan's share of the national economy has ranged between 3.7-4.9%.Tourism remains limited. Livestock, limited farming in the east as well as fishing along the Arabian Sea coastline are main forms of sustenance for the local populations. Deals……to Deal with Balochistan 1. Bloach should be first owners of the resources of Balochistan. 2. Angry Baloch leaders and Militancy groups should be brought to main streamline of Pakistan. Government should talk with them and solve their problems. (Sri Lanka civil war 23 July 1983 – 18 May 2009 (25 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 4 days) PM or President of Pakistan. Main stream Baloch leadership let come to Pakistan. 3. Missing persons should be released. People who picked them should be punished and killing of innocent people should be stopped. 4. Foreign interference should be finished from Balochistan. 5. Development works like other provinces should be held in Balochistan. Health and other facilities are far away from the people of Balochistan, Government should give them these basic facilities of life. Amount of NFC award should be spent on Baloch people. According to Chief Justice of Pakistan every Provisional Assembly Member gets the grant of 250 million. This amount should be spent on the land of Balochistan. 6. Sports and other cultural festivals should be in Balochistan. 1. Bloach should be first owners of the resources of Balochistan. Balochistan is gateway to the success of Pakistan which provides us natural resources; like Natural Gas, Aluminum, Gold, Coil, Iron Granite Ammonium and many other minerals form this magical land. Balochistan contains biggest gold resources in Recordic. But, unfortunately the people of Balochistan have not been provided none of the above resources. We discovered Natural Gas from the place of Balochistan Sui in 1951. And still more than half of Balochistan is scarcity from Natural Gas. Baloch should be first owners of their resources, from 65 years we have been snatching their rights. Now it’s last chance for us, we have to give them rights. 2. Angry Baloch leaders and Militancy groups should be brought to main streamline of Pakistan. Government should talk with them and solve their problems. (Sri Lanka civil war 23 July 1983 – 18 May 2009 (25 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 4 days) PM or President of Pakistan. Main stream Baloch leadership let come to Pakistan. Angry Baloch leaders should be brought to main stream line of Pakistan. Stack Holders of Pakistan should try to solve this matter in political way. Now there is no place of military operation in Balochistan. We should learn form history. Some people give example of operation against Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. But this will not apply on Balochistan because it is totally different form Sri Lanka geographically. Balochistan is surrounded by Afghanistan and according to the American think tank report which was publicized on 13 April, 2013 this issue can only be solved in a political process. And we haven’t got any result from military operations in Balochistan in the past. Now this is the time to solve this issue on political basis. The beaurocracy, establishment and national politics of Pakistan are empty from Baloch people. It’s time to think seriously and give them chance to come in beaurocracy and politics of Pakistan. After a great resistance and arguments finally some of the Baloch Nationalist agreed to come into the main stream line of the Pakistan and they took part in the elections of Pakistan. But they were not give a level playing field, in the past we were failed to solve Baloch problems because their real representatives were not in the Government. This is do or die situation for the Pakistan. They should be allowed to take part in the policy making and let this issue be solved in political way. In order to realize them their value they should be given the seat of Prime Minister or President of Pakistan. Next Prime Minister or President of Pakistan should be from Balochistan. 3. Problem of missing persons Missing persons are biggest problem of the Balochistan and the figures of the missing person are increasing rapidly. People are unaware from script writer of this shit play. This issue is creating very big gap between Baloch people and Pakistan military. I meet a lot of people who do not like Pakistan Army. This is very big miss understanding in the people of Balochistan. My personal opinion is; that Pakistan Army can not do this with there people. But Pakistan Army needs to take step forward and try to finish this misunderstanding in public. They try to recover their missing persons, I am 99% sure people will start to love Pakistan after this step. And at the time Army is playing best ever role in the history of Pakistan Army. I still remember the earth quack of Balochistan on 16th April 2013 that was Pakistan Army who helped the effected people. 4. Foreign interference should be finished from Balochistan. We have to draw a line between foreign forces and our people. Some so called super powers and fully involved in the land of Pakistan. We need a very strong strategic policy in order to save Pakistan from them. We have to come out from the ideology of Nationalism; we need to build ourselves as a nation. National unity is the power which can protect us from foreign powers. No country should be not be allowed to interfere in the internal matters of Pakistan. 5. Development works like other provinces should be held in Balochistan. Health and other facilities are far away from the people of Balochistan, Government should give them these basic facilities of life. Amount of NFC award should be spent on Baloch people. According to Chief Justice of Pakistan every Provisional Assembly Member gets the grant of 250 million. This amount should be spent on the land of Balochistan. From sixty five years Baloch have not been give fundamental rights and facilities of life. When we look through the history of Balochistan there is nil progress in the province. People do not know the meaning of life. Schools, colleges, hospitals, bus stands and railway stations have been turned into graveyards. Roads look like a way to hell. This is biggest province of Pakistan and unfortunately people have been maltreated by our Government and Establishment. There is just 26 District Hospitals in the Balochistan and there are just 2700 doctors working there which is less then the number of doctors working in Lahore. This is very big tragedy. There is no education in the province; students have to cover miles to get educated. We need to sort out these problems as soon as possible otherwise we can face another 16 Dec, 1971. According to the Chief Justice of Pakistan the Government of Balochistan was given 15000 Million RS in NFC award from the Government of the Pakistan. If this money would be spent on the people that would bring good results for us. The feudal system should be abolished, because the feudal of Balochistan don’t allow the people to get education and they are biggest hurdle between the Government of Pakistan and People of Balochistan. There are 30 districts in Balochistan if our govt build 30 high schools in a district in a year, they can build 900 schools there. 900 schools in a year and 4500 in 5 years. If a school produces 500 students in a year, we can produce 2 million children in 5 years which will be very big success for us. At the moment the Literacy rates in Balochistan (10 years & above) is 46% which is very low. If our Government these basic steps we can solve a lot of educational problems. 6. Sports and other cultural festivals should be in Balochistan. 1. Jashn-e-Baharan Jashn-e-Baharan is biggest festival of Punjab know as Basant, which marks the coming of spring season. People all around the world come to Lahore to celebrate this festival. But now, this is real test for the people of Lahore, they need to sacrifice their mode of festivity. The event of Basant should be arranged in Balochistan, guests from all over the world should be invited there. Government of Pakistan Take responsibility of the security of foreigners. 2. T20 National Cup Faisal Bank T20 cricket tournament is biggest and most seen cricket event in Pakistan. Lahore, Karachi, Rawalpindi and Faisalabad have been hosting this tournament since it was started. KPK and Balochistan have never been given a chance to host it. Pakistan Cricket Board can hold this tournament in Quetta on regular basis with strict security. People of Balochistan will have a chance to enjoy this way entertainment. Quetta Bears is domestic cricket team, big names of Pakistan cricket team should represent Quetta Bears in this tournament. 3. 28 May Youm E 3. Youm E Takbeer 28 May is celebrated in Pakistan as a national day in commemoration of nuclear detonates in Chagai. Chagai is the terrain which made us Invincible and today the people of this place is seeing toward us to get their fundamental rights. In order to give them owner national and internatinal neuclear seminars or events should be held there. 4. Historical days of Pakistan. Every patriotic Pakistan is known with the importance of 14 august in the history of Pakistan. Main ceremonies of this day should be celebrated in Balochistan in place of Islamabad. 5. Hazarganji Chiltan National Park In the Hazarganji Chiltan National Park, 20 kilometers South-West of Quetta, Maarkhors have been given protection. The park is spread over 32,500 acres, The Bactrains, Scythians, Mongols and then the great migrating hordes of Baloch all passed this way.This national park has a historic identy if Government of Pakistan give some attention to this park. This can become a very big tourism point for Pakistan. People of Balochistan will get entertainment and ways of earning money. 6. Sibi Festival Sibi, Balochistan at a distance of 160 km southeast of Quetta is the annual meeting place of Balochistan tribes since 15th century. The Baloch people gather there with their animals. Horse and Cattle Shows Folk shows and other cultural activities are the part of this festival. Government of Pakistan should give it a status of international event. This is will bring a big change in Balochistan.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


When I hear news about Shia or Sunni conflict, I think that we are biggest idiots. Because there is no concept of Shia or Sunni in Islam. As we fell proud to call muslims ourselves. But we do not have any right to call ourselves Muslims. I want to ask people was our Holy Prophet Shia or Sunni. Or which Quran or Hadith proves the division of Shia and Sunni in Islam. I am not Mullah or Scholar, but I know just one thing there is no Shia Sunni concept in Islam. We all are Muslims and the Ummah of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). This is our biggest weakness people cash our weakness, and start to create Ethnic and Sectarian violence in Pakistan. We have to come out from these things, we are already involved in a lot of wars India is on our border, we are in America’s was and now this war will create a lot of disturbance in Pakistan. We will never get benefit of this conflict. These kinds of incidents can be very worst for the solitary and economy of country. Our identity is only with the name of Pakistan if we lose this name and identy world will never care of us. We do not care of freedom, bad and good circumstances occur in every country. We should promote the atmosphere of love, peace and brotherhood among our people. If some one is Shia or Sunni that is his own and personal matter. They should have full freedom to perform their all activities. Shia killing is in Pakistan is very tragic and sad. I know after reading this many people will not agree with me, but “truth is always bitter”. Our Mullahs also have to be care full when they talk against each other in Mosques. They should tell us about the basics of Islam not about the faith of some. Did they tell us about the basic of Islam, did they tell us how to offer the prayer, did they tell us in which conditions prayer is allowed. In which conditions we can not enter in the Mosque, did they tell us in to “Kill a Human is killing whole Universe” Did they tell us we all are Muslims not Shia or Sunni. No they never tell us about these things. They just tell us “Sunni is Kafir or Shia is Kafir”. Infact they don’t know what they are? Who are they to say some Kafir or Muslim? “It is matter between Allah and creation”.

Sectarian and Ethnic violence in Pakistan is between Shia and Sunni. These are two big Muslim groups in Pakistan. Shia is 5-25% and 70-85%. There is big war between these two groups for a long time. Two militance groups are always blamed for Shia Sunni violence. Shia militance group Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan and Sunni militance group Sipah-e-Sahaba these are two banned organizations in Pakistan, which are responsible of Ethnic and Sectarian violence in Pakistan. They create some negative things between Shia and Sunni. They want to create some misunderstandings between them. Which is not good for Pakistan and Islam.

But when we see the public there is tottaly changed story. There is great relation of love and peace between Shia and Sunni. They marry with each other, they live with each other, they are good friends and they both have love and sacrifice passion between each other. But, unfortunately some forces who want to make Pakistan a failed state creating Ethnic violence in Pakistan. They train their people and send them to Pakistan to create disturbance in Pakistan. India, America and Israel are biggest enemies of Pakistan. They want to break Pakistan and get Balochistan for their war and economy purposes. Every one knows the geological value of Balochistan. India and America want to make it their safe haven. Balochistan is full of natural resources India want to break Pakistan to cover Pakistan from three sides. After giving Gwadar port to China there is big tension in World, all the countries in Middle East and India are worried about their future. Because the geological value of Gwadar will affect the economy of their Ports. Shia are second largest sect in country, Pakistan holds second largest Shia population after Iran. There is also a big fact that Suadi Arab and Iran are also responsible of Ethnic and Sectarian violence in Pakistan. Saudi Arab funding for Sunni groups and Iran funding for Shia groups.

Since 2000 a lot Shia people have been killed including children and women. Many militance groups have been taken responsibility of attacks on Hazara Community. Hundreds of Shia Muslims have been killed in northern areas of Pakistan such as Gilgit, Baltistan, Parachinar, Quetta and Chelas. In 2003 Shia Mosque was attacked in Quetta,in 2004 at least 42 Shia Muslims were killed in Liaqat Bazar Quetta, December 2009 there were 40 Shia Muslims killed suicide car bomb blast attack in Karachi. In September 2010, three attacks occurred in various cities of Pakistan, 1st attack was in Lahore in which 35 Shia Muslims killed, 2nd was in Mardan where at least one person was died and the 3rd attack was in Quetta in that attack 56 people were killed. On 16 August, 2012 some people were going in bus near Gilgit, they were killed after checking their identies. In the early of 2013 twin-bomb blast targeting Hazaras on Alamdar Road on Jan 10, 2013in these attacks 108 people were killed and 120 were injured. After these attacks LEJ spokesman took responsibility of these attacks. Recently, Hazara community was also targeted this time their 110 people were killed in bomb blast. The bomb was planted in water tanker. In last ten years Hazara community has been targeted by some evil forces.
This is time to think and get together; there is very big international conspiracy against Pakistan. All the international forces are involved in Pakistan. We should take lesson from 1971. But every one is sleeping here. Still we have time to see inside ourselves, other wise “History will never forgive us”.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013



Pakistan women cricket has gone to India for playing women cricket world cup. The world cup is scheduled in India from 31st of January. In the circumstances the Pakistan cricket team went to India were very tense between two countries Pakistan and India due to firing on LOC. Pakistan women cricket were threaten very badly from the Indian extremist organization Shev Sena. They protest against the tour of Pakistan cricket team in the end of 2012, but they went there and defeat India in ODI series.

This is not some thing new for the Pakistan players, in the past they have been sent back and threaten from the Indian extremists. Nine Pakistani players went India to play “Hockey Indian League” but after the threats and protest of Shev Sena four of them were sent back to Pakistan.

Shev Sena and BJP have been exposed by their own Interior Minister. The hating policy of Shev Sena is not hidden from any one. They don’t want to see peace process between Pakistan and India. The Interior Minister, Foreign Minister and Interior Secretary had said in their statements that BJP and Shev Sena are involved in the bomb blasts of in states of India, further they said that Shev Sena and BJP were involved in the Samjhota Express blasts on 18th February 2007 where 68 Pakistani innocent people died.

Fist, they blamed Laskhre Tayeeba for these attacks. But, after the investigation that was proved that Indian Army was involved in it, and the statement of Indian Interior Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde proved that Shev Sena and BJP were involved in those attacks. Those were fully prepared and planed attacks, because all the doors of carriages were locked from the outside. Tow bombs were exposed in the two carriages of train full of passengers from Pakistan including little children.

After much rioting, violence and firebombing the Shev Sena bombed Pune to sabotage the efforts of the peace between India and Pakistan.  Shev Sena has been biggest hurdle in peace process between India and Pakistan. The Shev Sena has “Hindu Suicide Squad”. They are running Anti-Muslim and Anti-Pakistan campaign disgused as “Mumbai for Mahrashtrians”. Shev Sena have their genesis in Shuddhi and Sangathan (Deport, kill or Convert) In 1992 Muslims were being targeted by the extremists Hindus. Mumbai belong to Marahti is the slogan of disgusting slogan of Shev Sena with the weapons. The Shev Sena is against Islam and the Khan in and out of India. They mention the term “Khan” the term of Muslims. Shah Rukh Khan said in his article for the American magazine he said “A lot of Indian politicians said him to leave India, It is big crime to be a Muslim in India. Extremist Hindu considers him as the agent of Pakistan”.

The RSS, BJP and Shev Sena are extremist organizations. They are armed, trained and full of venom against the Muslims, the Christians and the Dalits and Shudar. They are afraid from Muslims population. Because in 2020 the population of Muslims would be equal to Hindu. They are afraid that may be India will become a Muslim state in 2050.Indian media always talk about Jaish and Lashker. But the acts of Shev Sena and the statements of Indian Government proved the reality of Shev Sena, RSS and BJP.

I think now they should stop all these things, both of the nations are fighting with each other from last 65 years. If we keep fighting with each other we can’t move forward. There are some factors who want sabotage the peace process between India and Pakistan. Public want peace with each other. The role of “AMAN KI ASHA” is very positive and impressive in the peace process.

We need peace and relationship of love and friendship with India

Monday, 28 January 2013



Pakistan women cricket has gone to India for playing women cricket world cup. The world cup is scheduled in India from 31st of January. In the circumstances the Pakistan cricket team went to India were very tense between two countries Pakistan and India due to firing on LOC. Pakistan women cricket were threaten very badly from the Indian extremist organization Shev Sena. They protest against the tour of Pakistan cricket team in the end of 2012, but they went there and defeat India in ODI series.

This is not some thing new for the Pakistan players, in the past they have been sent back and threaten from the Indian extremists. Nine Pakistani players went India to play “Hockey Indian League” but after the threats and protest of Shev Sena four of them were sent back to Pakistan.

Shev Sena and BJP have been exposed by their own Interior Minister. The hating policy of Shev Sena is not hidden from any one. They don’t want to see peace process between Pakistan and India. The Interior Minister, Foreign Minister and Interior Secretary had said in their statements that BJP and Shev Sena are involved in the bomb blasts of in states of India, further they said that Shev Sena and BJP were involved in the Samjhota Express blasts on 18th February 2007 where 68 Pakistani innocent people died.

Fist, they blamed Laskhre Tayeeba for these attacks. But, after the investigation that was proved that Indian Army was involved in it, and the statement of Indian Interior Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde proved that Shev Sena and BJP were involved in those attacks. Those were fully prepared and planed attacks, because all the doors of carriages were locked from the outside. Tow bombs were exposed in the two carriages of train full of passengers from Pakistan including little children.

After much rioting, violence and firebombing the Shev Sena bombed Pune to sabotage the efforts of the peace between India and Pakistan.  Shev Sena has been biggest hurdle in peace process between India and Pakistan. The Shev Sena has “Hindu Suicide Squad”. They are running Anti-Muslim and Anti-Pakistan campaign disgused as “Mumbai for Mahrashtrians”. Shev Sena have their genesis in Shuddhi and Sangathan (Deport, kill or Convert) In 1992 Muslims were being targeted by the extremists Hindus. Mumbai belong to Marahti is the slogan of disgusting slogan of Shev Sena with the weapons. The Shev Sena is against Islam and the Khan in and out of India. They mention the term “Khan” the term of Muslims. Shah Rukh Khan said in his article for the American magazine he said “A lot of Indian politicians said him to leave India, It is big crime to be a Muslim in India. Extremist Hindu considers him as the agent of Pakistan”.

The RSS, BJP and Shev Sena are extremist organizations. They are armed, trained and full of venom against the Muslims, the Christians and the Dalits and Shudar. They are afraid from Muslims population. Because in 2020 the population of Muslims would be equal to Hindu. They are afraid that may be India will become a Muslim state in 2050.Indian media always talk about Jaish and Lashker. But the acts of Shev Sena and the statements of Indian Government proved the reality of Shev Sena, RSS and BJP.

I think now they should stop all these things, both of the nations are fighting with each other from last 65 years. If we keep fighting with each other we can’t move forward. There are some factors who want sabotage the peace process between India and Pakistan. Public want peace with each other. The role of “AMAN KI ASHA” is very positive and impressive in the peace process.

We need peace and relationship of love and friendship with India.


Twitter @mehar_sher

Thursday, 24 January 2013



Pakistan cricket team has been reached to South Africa for playing 5 Test, 2 T20 and 5 ODI’s series. This is complete series which consist all the formats of International Cricket. The environment of South Africa is not new for Pakistan Cricket team. Before this series Pakistan cricket team has played a lot matches there. The nature of South African wickets is bouncy and seeming; wickets are very fast and create problems for the batsmen. South African conditions are ideal for the fast bowlers; there for Pakistan cricket team have 4 fast bowlers Umarl Gul, Junaid Khan, Muhammad Irfan and Ehsan Adil in their squad. The most interesting fact about these fast bowlers is this, that they haven’t played any test match in South Africa. The spin attack of Pakistan is also very powerful there are 3 spinners in Pakistan Cricket team Saeed Ajmal, Abdur Rehman and Muhammad Hafeez. Batting has been biggest problem for the Pakistan cricket team from last 7 or 8 years. When team required a solid performance by the batting, they collapse. But, now the batting order of Pakistan cricket team is looking strong. They have all the verities in their batting; Muhammad Hafeez, Nasir Jamsheed and Taufiq Umar are the openers. Nasir Jmashed has performed brilliantly against India in recent series. Taufiq Umar is also in good touch in test matched, he has played an innings of 236 against Sri Lanka in last year. The top order of Pakistan is the mixture of experienced and upcoming young players. The top order of Pakistan is consist of Azhar Ali, Younis Khan and Asad Shafiq. The middle order of Pakistan is mostly depends on Captian of the team Misbah-Ul-Haq because Faisal Iqbal is playing for Pakistan after a long time and Haris Sohail is making his test debut. The department of wicket keeping of Pakistan is also seems to be well prepared. Sarfraz Ahmad has played one test match for the Pakistan before; he is included in team in the absence of injuredwicket keeper Adnan Akmal. Sarfraz Ahmad is in the team in the reward of his good performance in Quaid-E-Azam Trophy.

Over all the Pakistan cricket team is looking good on the paper. But the performance against the other team counts. The player who performs on the day will consider a real player.

Hope Pakistan cricket team will perform well in the series against South Africa.

Schedule of Pakistan vs South Africa Cricket Series 2013

Fri Feb 1 - Tue Feb 5
10:30 local | 08:30 GMT
Thu Feb 14 - Mon Feb 18
10:30 local | 08:30 GMT
Fri Feb 22 - Tue Feb 26
10:30 local | 08:30 GMT
Fri Mar 1
18:00 local | 16:00 GMT
Sun Mar 3
14:30 local | 12:30 GMT
Sun Mar 10
10:00 local | 08:00 GMT
Fri Mar 15
14:30 local | 12:30 GMT
Sun Mar 17
10:00 local | 08:00 GMT
Thu Mar 21
10:00 local | 08:00 GMT
Sun Mar 24
10:00 local | 08:00 GMT


            Total               Pakistan win         South Africa Win  DRAW/ NR
Test     18                                03                                08                                07
Pakistan won last test match against South Africa at Port Elizabeth by 5 wickets on Jan 19-22,2007.
ODI     57                                18                                38                                01
Pakistan won last One Day International match against South Africa at Dubai (DSC) by 1 wicket on Nov 05, 2010.
T20      06                                03                                03                                00

Pakistan won last T20 against South Africa at Colombo (RPS) by 2 wickets on Sep 28, 2007.

Twitter @mehar_sher

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites are becoming popular day by day in the young generation. The world of social networking sites is very vast, a person who enters in this world it is very difficult for him to get out. These websites are very useful for life. We can share our thoughts, pictures, videos and comments with each other on these websites. These websites have a lot of benefits. Most of the brands use social networking sites for the promotion of their brands. We can get a lot of knowledge; social networking websites are very easy and fast way to get news. We can get news by subscribing a news websites page and we get latest updates on our social networking website. The other benefit of these websites is this that we can link these websites with each other.

The negative points of these websites are also not less then their benefits. Once a person enters in the World of social networking it is almost impossible for him to get out. People who use these websites forget their original duties. They use these websites in the offices during their working hours. It affects their performance. Most of the companies have blocked these websites in their offices. But users have a lot of options they use these websites on their mobile phones.

Most of the people on the social networking sites are fake. They create fake accounts to impress the others. One person has a lot of accounts. And these fake people are giving a lot of income to the social networking websites. Some people accept the friend request with out knowing each other and conforming the character of request sender. Most of the people do this as their favorite hobby.

There are a lot of social networking websites working in the World. A social networking user tries to create an account on maximum websites. He has to give his profile information on every website. He gives his birthday, city, school, college, religion and relationship information. Some people give their original information and most of the people give their fake information.

The biggest social networking website is face book and if we consider face book as a  country then the numbers of its users can be a third biggest country of the World. These websites are earning Billion of Dollars daily.  

The biggest threat that social networking websites users have always in their minds is to about hake their accounts. The World of social networking websites is not clean from hackers. They hake the personal accounts of people and try black mail the user. This has become a trend to hake some one’s accounts. The hackers fell proud and happy to hack some one’s account.

Social networking websites offer the sign up free of cost. This is the biggest reason of their users are in Millions and giving these websites a very huge amount of profit.

Sher Muhammad 