Wednesday, 6 March 2013


When I hear news about Shia or Sunni conflict, I think that we are biggest idiots. Because there is no concept of Shia or Sunni in Islam. As we fell proud to call muslims ourselves. But we do not have any right to call ourselves Muslims. I want to ask people was our Holy Prophet Shia or Sunni. Or which Quran or Hadith proves the division of Shia and Sunni in Islam. I am not Mullah or Scholar, but I know just one thing there is no Shia Sunni concept in Islam. We all are Muslims and the Ummah of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). This is our biggest weakness people cash our weakness, and start to create Ethnic and Sectarian violence in Pakistan. We have to come out from these things, we are already involved in a lot of wars India is on our border, we are in America’s was and now this war will create a lot of disturbance in Pakistan. We will never get benefit of this conflict. These kinds of incidents can be very worst for the solitary and economy of country. Our identity is only with the name of Pakistan if we lose this name and identy world will never care of us. We do not care of freedom, bad and good circumstances occur in every country. We should promote the atmosphere of love, peace and brotherhood among our people. If some one is Shia or Sunni that is his own and personal matter. They should have full freedom to perform their all activities. Shia killing is in Pakistan is very tragic and sad. I know after reading this many people will not agree with me, but “truth is always bitter”. Our Mullahs also have to be care full when they talk against each other in Mosques. They should tell us about the basics of Islam not about the faith of some. Did they tell us about the basic of Islam, did they tell us how to offer the prayer, did they tell us in which conditions prayer is allowed. In which conditions we can not enter in the Mosque, did they tell us in to “Kill a Human is killing whole Universe” Did they tell us we all are Muslims not Shia or Sunni. No they never tell us about these things. They just tell us “Sunni is Kafir or Shia is Kafir”. Infact they don’t know what they are? Who are they to say some Kafir or Muslim? “It is matter between Allah and creation”.

Sectarian and Ethnic violence in Pakistan is between Shia and Sunni. These are two big Muslim groups in Pakistan. Shia is 5-25% and 70-85%. There is big war between these two groups for a long time. Two militance groups are always blamed for Shia Sunni violence. Shia militance group Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan and Sunni militance group Sipah-e-Sahaba these are two banned organizations in Pakistan, which are responsible of Ethnic and Sectarian violence in Pakistan. They create some negative things between Shia and Sunni. They want to create some misunderstandings between them. Which is not good for Pakistan and Islam.

But when we see the public there is tottaly changed story. There is great relation of love and peace between Shia and Sunni. They marry with each other, they live with each other, they are good friends and they both have love and sacrifice passion between each other. But, unfortunately some forces who want to make Pakistan a failed state creating Ethnic violence in Pakistan. They train their people and send them to Pakistan to create disturbance in Pakistan. India, America and Israel are biggest enemies of Pakistan. They want to break Pakistan and get Balochistan for their war and economy purposes. Every one knows the geological value of Balochistan. India and America want to make it their safe haven. Balochistan is full of natural resources India want to break Pakistan to cover Pakistan from three sides. After giving Gwadar port to China there is big tension in World, all the countries in Middle East and India are worried about their future. Because the geological value of Gwadar will affect the economy of their Ports. Shia are second largest sect in country, Pakistan holds second largest Shia population after Iran. There is also a big fact that Suadi Arab and Iran are also responsible of Ethnic and Sectarian violence in Pakistan. Saudi Arab funding for Sunni groups and Iran funding for Shia groups.

Since 2000 a lot Shia people have been killed including children and women. Many militance groups have been taken responsibility of attacks on Hazara Community. Hundreds of Shia Muslims have been killed in northern areas of Pakistan such as Gilgit, Baltistan, Parachinar, Quetta and Chelas. In 2003 Shia Mosque was attacked in Quetta,in 2004 at least 42 Shia Muslims were killed in Liaqat Bazar Quetta, December 2009 there were 40 Shia Muslims killed suicide car bomb blast attack in Karachi. In September 2010, three attacks occurred in various cities of Pakistan, 1st attack was in Lahore in which 35 Shia Muslims killed, 2nd was in Mardan where at least one person was died and the 3rd attack was in Quetta in that attack 56 people were killed. On 16 August, 2012 some people were going in bus near Gilgit, they were killed after checking their identies. In the early of 2013 twin-bomb blast targeting Hazaras on Alamdar Road on Jan 10, 2013in these attacks 108 people were killed and 120 were injured. After these attacks LEJ spokesman took responsibility of these attacks. Recently, Hazara community was also targeted this time their 110 people were killed in bomb blast. The bomb was planted in water tanker. In last ten years Hazara community has been targeted by some evil forces.
This is time to think and get together; there is very big international conspiracy against Pakistan. All the international forces are involved in Pakistan. We should take lesson from 1971. But every one is sleeping here. Still we have time to see inside ourselves, other wise “History will never forgive us”.

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